Monday 21 May 2007

Stuck in Low Gear

Well, after owning my Defender for two months i finally learned how to use the second gearbox and the diff lock. How impressed was i, that is until i tried it ...........
I put it into low box and had a play , it worked beautifully, got a feel for it, tried diff lock, that worked fine, then i tried to put it back into High box, it wouldn't move, the lever just flapped in the wind.
I found my myself driving around for 36 hours in low box, in real terms this means that in fifth gear my top speed without hurting my engine was about 25-30 miles an hour. !!
I sought advice at a brilliant website called and also of a fellow owner/driver. the outcome was that majority opinion pointed to the gear linkage falling apart , after stripping the inside of my toy out , the picture above is what i found, for the sake of one nut falling off i had all this work to do, but do you know what ? i enjoyed it.

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