Wednesday 16 May 2007

Why Defender (90) of England ?

Defender ( 90 ) is the make of the landrover i have waited twenty years to own and love almost as much as my wife now that i have it.

Defender of England is something close to my heart, now i am not a right wing activist but when i travel abroad i respect the customs and traditions of the country playing host to me, i do my best to join in with there traditions and make a point of learning prior to my visit what common mistakes i could make that would be a normal way to act here in England.

I am getting to the point if you had not already guessed.

I am a proud Englishman, i respect all people and cultures, why then is it that my local Oxfam shop can not put up a Christmas tree in its window for fear of offending Muslims ? Why is it that there is a cafe in town with a sign in the window saying no English ? could you imagine the outcry if i were to open a cafe and put up as sign saying English only ?

I believe in live and let live 100 %

To be frank i am tired of being a second class citizen in my own country, it seems that an Englishman's opinions and values no longer hold any value in England, although the tax he pays week in week out is still quite happily absorbed by the Goverment and used to support the very people who would decry and stop our way of life.

Phew that feels better

Surmon over. ;-)

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